Brownie Troop 330
Jan. 18, 2011 meeting notes
Sea World Cookie Rally
*meet at GS house at 7:45 am
(Michele, Roxie, and Melia are driving)
*Each girl needs:
Wear a bright pink shirt
Small water bottle
Lunch (completely disposable)
*Pick up at 4:30 at Girl Scout house unless arranged otherwise with
Optional: $ for animal feeding trays or souvenirsGirl Scout Cookies Sales
*Can submit orders to Brooke on the following dates: Feb. 9, 16, 23
*Cookie orders will be picked up by Michele on the following dates:
Feb. 11, 18, 25
*Turn in money to Brooke
*ALL money must be in by March 2
**The decision was made not to participate in Thinking Day this year due
to date conflict with cookie sales.
**Next meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 1.
We will do more Cookies Count Try-it activities.
Cheryl and Emily will provide pickup date by Michele – (tentative) – Feb. 2